
The Belgrade-Pristina-Dialogue – Will the EU let them join the club?

30 June 2023 European Politics

7 min

Undermining Kosovo’s state-building efforts and ambitions for greater global recognition is just one of many reasons why China and Russia get to secure the best venues for their billboards in the capital. Yet,  while both countries continue to stir the conflict and veto Kosovo independence in the UN Security Council, the EU is mediating talks for a normalisation of the relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

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Eastern Partnership: Prospects for a European Future

28 June 2023 Security

10 min

[Editorial partnership] When the foreign ministers of Poland and Swedish first proposed the idea for the Eastern Partnership in 2008, the response was somewhat muted. A few months later, Russian tanks entered Georgia after fighting between the country’s military and Russian-backed separatists. Five days of war left hundreds dead and around 200,000 people displaced. Russia quickly recognised the contested regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent republics, despite their international status as part of Georgia. 

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Un partenariat stratégique pour renforcer les relations UE-Maroc: 500 millions d’euros pour 5 nouveaux projets

26 June 2023 European Foreign Policy

4 min

« Le Maroc est un partenaire stratégique de l’UE. Nous nous entraidons en ces temps difficiles et travaillons ensemble pour notre prospérité et notre sécurité communes. » C’est ce qu’a tweeté le 2 mars dernier Olivér Várhelyi, commissaire européen à la Politique de voisinage et à l’Élargissement, en mission au Maroc. Cette visite s’est clôturée par la signature de cinq programmes d’une valeur de 500 millions d’euros portant sur la protection sociale, la transition verte, la réforme de l’administration publique, l’inclusion financière et la gestion de la migration.

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Union Européenne, Chine et Afrique : visions différentes sur le même continent

23 June 2023 European Foreign Policy

4 min

Notre histoire a été marquée par les terribles ambitions coloniales et néo-coloniales européennes en Afrique, considérées encore comme les causes principales du difficile essor économique du continent. On ne peut pas oublier ces pages noires de notre passé et les responsabilités de l’Occident, mais on dit que « Historia magistra vitae », l’Histoire est maîtresse de la vie, et qu’elle devrait nous guider vers un futur différent. Mais est-ce qu’on a tous la même vision ?

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The Brussels-Madrid-Rabat triangle: Spain’s role in EU-Morocco relations

21 June 2023 International

9 min

In Spanish diplomacy, there is an unspoken rule which sets Morocco as the first country to be visited by the newly appointed Prime Minister of Spain, a tradition that Pedro Sánchez broke in 2018. Diplomatic relations between the two neighbours have gone through one of their worst crises, although since the beginning of February 2023, it seems their diplomatic relations are partially back on track, after important concessions were made on both sides.

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Fortress Europe, anti-immigration propaganda and the future of the European migration and asylum system: an interview with MEP Pietro Bartolo

19 June 2023 Migration

10 min

The 3rd of October 2023 will mark the tenth anniversary of the tragic Lampedusa shipwreck that provoked the death of at least 368 people trying to get across the Central Mediterranean Sea. This event, prefiguring the major migration waves of 2015-2016, has impacted Europe, highlighting the perilous travel conditions migrants still face today at the European external borders, from the Mediterranean to the Balkans.

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