
The influence of cultural and creative industries is recognised as a powerful engine for the triple transformation—green, social, and digital.
The EPPO, charged with investigating and prosecuting crimes that transcend national borders, not only represents a breakthrough in prosecution, but also stands as a fundamental pillar in the process of Europeanisation.

The EPPO: Vanguard in the Battle against Cross-Border Financial Fraud and Pillar of Judicial Europeanisation

22 November 2023 European Union

3 min

In the ever dynamic scenario of the European Union, the creation of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) emerges as a transcendental milestone, marking a game changer in the fight against cross-border financial fraud. This body, charged with investigating and prosecuting crimes that transcend national borders, not only represents a breakthrough in prosecution, but also stands as a fundamental pillar in the process of Europeanisation.

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Malgré les tensions, l'UE excelle dans le domaine du "soft power" et de la coopération, mais son manque d'unité interne limite son impact.
La CALRE permet une coopération entre ses membres et représente le rôle important des régions européennes dans le système démocratique européen