
The European Defence Industry and the War in Ukraine: New windows of opportunity?

5 June 2023 Security

9 min

“I know that public opinion prefers butter to cannons, but for years we have been under-investing (…) This war against Ukraine has been a brutal wake up for all of us” Joseph Borrell, High Representative of the European Union, 12 August 2022. With these words, the head of European diplomacy addressed the public in the opening speech of the Annual Conference of the European Defence Agency. Throughout a speech of  thirty minutes, he made clear the delicate situation experienced by the twenty-seven European armies: The stockpiles are almost empty and we do not have the capacity to fill them.

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On n’est pas si loin : l’importance des élections turques dans les relations avec l’UE

18 May 2023 European Politics

6 min

Le 14 mai, la Turquie était prête à élire son nouveau Président. Mais aucun des deux candidats principaux, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan et Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu n’a obtenu plus de 50% des votes. Il faudra donc attendre le 28 mai pour découvrir la tournure que prendra l’histoire turque. Les élections de l’autre côté de la Méditerranée nous touchent plus que ce que l’on pourrait penser : un changement de Président pourrait représenter un moment unique pour les relations entre l’UE et la Turquie.

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International Workers’ Day: How about less work?

9 May 2023 International Society

9 min

The origin of the International worker’s day dates back to 1886 in the USA : thousands of workers protested across the country demanding better working conditions. The protests lasted a few days and led to the deaths of several workers and the explosion of a bomb. This so-called “Haymarket Affair” became the international symbol for the workers’ struggles, with the 1st of May being chosen as the International Workers’ Day.

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