The fall of European democracies

14 June 2022 European Politics

3 min

The Economist Intelligence Unit On February 10th 2022, the British group Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) published its long-awaited democracy index of 2021. But before commenting on this, a little background […]

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The question of legitimacy in the European Union

9 February 2022 European Politics

7 min

With the rise of euroscepticism, the debate on the legitimacy of the European Union reappeared. Now it has intensified even more due to the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 […]

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La conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe : enjeux et limites

23 November 2021 European Politics

7 min

La Conférence sur l’Avenir de l’Europe est encore trop (voire totalement) inconnue du grand public. Cet événement a pourtant pour vocation de faire participer tous les citoyens de l’Union européenne […]

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The Bulgarian showdown – a nation on the ropes

12 November 2021 European Politics

10 min

Amidst a growing COVID-19 pandemic, Bulgaria is heading towards a historic 2-in-1 election for both parliament and presidency. Historic is as flattering as one might call it since the idea of a third election this year is hardly met with particular excitement among the voters.

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Remise du Prix Sakharov: Alexeï Navalny, un modèle pour l’Union Européenne?

27 October 2021 International

4 min

Ce mercredi 20 octobre 2021, Alexei Navalny a été choisi par le Parlement européen pour devenir lauréat du 28è prix Sakharov. Chaque année, ce prix pour la liberté de l’esprit […]

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Poland strikes back in the Rule of Law “chess match”

18 October 2021 European Politics

6 min

In the middle of the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, the rule of law debate rises again and threatens the core of the European Union.

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