Perspectives européennes : rencontre avec Yanis Varoufakis
18 March 2019 /

With the upcoming european elections in may 2019, the associations Délégation Specque de l’ULB, V Union, SAIES – Students’ Association of the Institute for European Studies and Eyes on Europe are happy to invite you to a meeting/discussion with Mr. Yanis Varoufakis, candidate for the European Commission Presidency, and former Greek Finance Minister.
The event’s programme will be as follows (the discussion will be held in English):
9am-9:30am : Breakfast
9am-9:45am : Introduction and welcoming words from Professeur Ramona Coman, Director of the Institute for European Studies.
9:45am-10:15am : Drawing lessons of the “Greek crisis” moderated by Professor Amandine Crespy (IEE-ULB) & Angélique Nikoué (SAIES)
10:15am-11am : Discussion on European elections and social europe, moderated by Professor Amandine Crespy & Sami Chauvet (SPECQUE ULB)
11am-11:30am: Q&A
📆 Monday March 25th, from 9am
📍Auditoire Victor Bourgeois, Faculté d’Architecture, Place Flagey 19, 1050 Ixelles
📝 Inscription (recommended, limited number of seats)