What about Istanbul? The EU’s role in fighting gender-based violence within and outside the Union

9 June 2023 Gender/equality

9 min

The European Commission proposed a new directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence. The proposal aims to strengthen the protection of victims of gender-based violence in the EU and to ensure that the standards of the Istanbul Convention are implemented in all Member States.

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Le défi de l’autonomie stratégique pour l’UE dans un monde multipolaire

7 June 2023 Security

8 min

La montée des nouvelles puissances mondiales, les changements géopolitiques et les avancées technologiques ont transformé le système international, soulevant de nouvelles menaces et opportunités sur les intérêts de l’UE. En conséquence, celle-ci a dû repenser son rôle dans le monde et a cherché à affirmer son autonomie stratégique dans des domaines clés. Ainsi, dans un paysage mondial en rapide mutation, caractérisé par une multipolarité croissante, l’UE est confrontée à d’importants défis pour déterminer son autonomie stratégique. Mais qu’entend-on par ce concept ?

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International Workers’ Day: How about less work?

9 May 2023 International Society

9 min

The origin of the International worker’s day dates back to 1886 in the USA : thousands of workers protested across the country demanding better working conditions. The protests lasted a few days and led to the deaths of several workers and the explosion of a bomb. This so-called “Haymarket Affair” became the international symbol for the workers’ struggles, with the 1st of May being chosen as the International Workers’ Day.

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Georgia’s European Dream: Progress, Challenges, and the Road Ahead

24 April 2023 International Politique

5 min

Georgia has always had a European orientation. Following its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, the country has made significant progress in its pursuit of closer ties with Europe, embarked on a path of democratic reforms and Euro-Atlantic integration. However, it has also faced numerous challenges along the way, caught between the pro-European sentiment of its citizens and the geopolitical goals of Russia.

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Aborting in Europe: a threatened right? State of play in four European countries

16 March 2023 Gender/equality

6 min

Abortion is a human right allowing women to interrupt any unwanted pregnancy. Over time, several women fought to acquire this right, and many are still fighting today. In Europe, while many countries did legalise it, many obstacles remain on the women’s path, some backlashes have been witnessed in the last decades. This article  will review the current situation in Poland, Hungary, Italy, and Germany.

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The American alternative: lobbying in a billion-worth market

9 March 2023 Energy Security International

8 min

The war in Ukraine has jeopardised and reshaped the European energy sector, of which almost half is dependent on Russian gas imports. In this regard, it is of  vital relevance to highlight the fact that fourteen Member States rely on Russia for more than 50% on its gas imports, which entails a high percentage of financing for Putin’s war within the neighbouring country. In this sense, the dilemma on this  political agenda is evident considering that Russia is the largest gas exporter in the world. In the heat of the events in Ukraine, Europe questioned whether it should continue buying Russian gas to guarantee consumption or block its arrival, putting the energy security of the twenty-seven at risk.

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