Aborting in Europe: a threatened right? State of play in four European countries

16 March 2023 Gender/equality

6 min

Abortion is a human right allowing women to interrupt any unwanted pregnancy. Over time, several women fought to acquire this right, and many are still fighting today. In Europe, while many countries did legalise it, many obstacles remain on the women’s path, some backlashes have been witnessed in the last decades. This article  will review the current situation in Poland, Hungary, Italy, and Germany.

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Historia magistra vitae – but not for Italy: the return of fascism after 100 years

20 October 2022 Politique

8 min

Cicero wrote his famous sentence: “Historia magistra vitae” – history is a teacher of life, to emphasise the importance of its study in order to live consciously. In Italy, the rise of Fascism and dictatorship is an important chapter that in some schools is left out and the consequences can be dangerous.

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Migrant work and ‘agricultural slavery’ in Italy

4 July 2022 Migration

5 min

Each summer, millions of tons of tomatoes are produced in the south of Italy. This makes Italy the third-largest producer in the world, with a turnover of several billion euros […]

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The right to euthanasia: a thorny issue involving dignity

28 June 2022 European Politics

5 min

On February 15 2022, the Constitutional Court of Italy declared inadmissible the amendment proposed by the association “Luca Coscioni” (a non-profit organization whose priorities are the affirmation of civil liberties […]

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Italian Presidential election: the instability behind the continuity

28 February 2022 European Politics

6 min

After five days of voting, Italy re-elected its previous President of the Republic for another seven years. Despite there have been many other candidates to cast a vote for, the […]

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Fighting discrimination against the Roma community through political activism: an interview with Giulia di Rocco, President of the first Romani political party in Italy

6 December 2021 Interviews

12 min

To get to know more in-depth Roma’s political activism, Eyes on Europe took the opportunity to interview Giulia di Rocco, President of the Mistipè party.

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